Genetic Algorithms Goldberg Ebook Download ((TOP))
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are search methods based on principles of natural selection and genetics (Fraser, 1957; Bremermann, 1958; Holland, 1975). We start with a brief introduction to simple genetic algorithms and associated terminology.
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Genetic programming is one of the most interesting aspects of machine learning and AI, where computer programs are encoded as a set of genes that are then modified (evolved) using an evolutionary algorithm. It is picking up as one of the most sought after research domains in AI where data scientists use genetic algorithms to evaluate genetic constituency. While research is still underway in this area, many researchers and professionals are now looking to dig into the subject. To help those professionals starting out in the field and for those looking to gain additional knowledge, we have listed 10 sources including, books, ebooks, videos and tutorials that will help to know more about genetic programming.
It is one of the most read books on genetic algorithms and covers in-depth details about the subject such as background, history, motivation along with informative examples that makes it easy to understand the concepts. It also discusses use cases of genetic algorithms in scientific models, which is a good read for anyone wanting to know more about the area. It also gives an insight into some of the most interesting research in the field enabling readers to experiment and implement genetic algorithms of their own.
In this video tutorial by Udemy, you can learn the main mechanisms of the genetic algorithm as a heuristic artificial intelligence search or optimisation in Matlab. It covers tutorials on using a genetic algorithm to solve optimisation problems, analysing the performance, modifying or improving genetic algorithms and more. It covers the most fundamental aspects of the subject and is one of the best sources if you are new to the field.
It covers evolutionary algorithms in detail which is concerned with computational methods inspired by the process and mechanisms of biological evolution. It covers extensively the genetic algorithm, genetic programming, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, differential evolution and more.
This book stresses genetic algorithms with an emphasis on practical applications. It provides numerous practical example problems and contains over 80 illustrations including figures, tables, a list of genetic algorithm routines in pseudocode, and more.
This tutorial covers the canonical genetic algorithm as well as more experimental forms of genetic algorithms, including parallel island models and parallel cellular genetic algorithms. The tutorial also illustrates genetic search by hyperplane sampling.
Transverse mixing coefficient (TMC) is known as one of the most effective parameters in the two-dimensional simulation of water pollution, and increasing the accuracy of estimating this coefficient will improve the modeling process. In the present study, genetic algorithm (GA)-based support vector machine (SVM) was used to estimate TMC in streams. There are three principal parameters in SVM which need to be adjusted during the estimating procedure. GA helps SVM and optimizes these three parameters automatically in the best way. The accuracy of the SVM and GA-SVM algorithms along with previous models were discussed in TMC estimation by using a wide range of hydraulic and geometrical data from field and laboratory experiments. According to statistical analysis, the performance of the mentioned models in both straight and meandering streams was more accurate than the regression-based models. Sensitivity analysis showed that the accuracy of the GA-SVM algorithm in TMC estimation significantly correlated with the number of input parameters. Eliminating the uncorrelated parameters and reducing the number of input parameters will reduce the complexity of the problem and improve the TMC estimation by GA-SVM.
According to the mechanisms of genetics and Darwin's natural selection principles, John Holland in 1975, proposed a heuristic search method and called it the genetic algorithm (GA). This method was named after biological processes of inheritance, mutation, natural selection, and the genetic crossover that happens when parents mate to produce offspring (Goldberg 1989). Technically, there are four differences between the structure of GA and other traditional optimization algorithms (Goldberg 1989): The GA typically uses a coding of the decision variable set instead of decision variable itself.