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The reality is, life is busy. 


No matter how hard we try, we only have 24 hours in a day, and only 7 days a week. We've only got that many minutes to work with, which never seems enough. 


Especially when you are trying to fit in a little bit of "you time". That might be a run. A class. A call with a friend. Reading a book. A nice lunch. Heck - even a fancy retreat. 


So, my great friend Ami Rankin and I have developed the "Mini retreat". 


An afternoon with girlfriends where you can indulge in a little bit of self-care. 


So what is it all about? 

Movement - with me (Jenna). 

Mindset - with Ami (working on alllll things overwhelm, prioritising and intention setting) 


"Me Time" - with our friends at Centred Ceramics

And let's not forget an amazing lunch and snacks supplied by Innerglow Kiosk 

Plus, we are working on a couple more surprises for you all. 


What we hope you take away from this day is the confidence and the motivation to find time in your busy life for "me time", in whatever shape that takes. 



Maybe it is a pilates class. 

Maybe it is reading a book. 

Maybe it is taking up a new hobby (like a pottery class).


Maybe it is as simple as a cup of tea on your own.

Because let's face it, life can feel pretty flat without time for the things that light you up. 


Ami Rankin is an emotional wellbeing coach. Ami has a wealth of knowledge, experience and practical and applicable tools to help empower busy women to find their sparkle. 

So what will the day look like.... 

11:00am - Arrive at Umina SLSC. Spend some time sipping on a juice and snacking on some treats from Inner Glow whilst enjoying the view from Box Head to Palm Beach. 

11:30am - Jenna will take you through a pilates class to get the blood flowing. Expect some stretch, strength and maybe a tiny bit of sweat. You'll feel a tiny bit taller as you walk away from the class. 

12:30pm - Lunch and refreshments on the deck supplied by InnerGlow Kiosk. Think lush salads, perhaps a sneaky pastry from Burnt Honey Bakery and fresh proteins to refuel post pilates class. 

1:45pm - Mindset with Ami (this will be amazing!). This session will be all about habits and routines to help overcome mental overload, burnout and overwhelm and why it’s important to prioritise yourself. 

3:00pm - Afternoon dip (if you are that way inclined!) to refresh and reset for our final instalment of the afternoon. 

3:45pm - "Filling your cup" well, actually making your cup is more like it! Our friends from Centred Ceramics will be here to take us through a pottery workshop where you will make your "cup". Your physical reminder that you can take away, to ensure that when you feel that pinch of overload, check-in and "fill your cup". This session will be accompanied by some bubbly refreshments supplied by our friends at Upstairs Wines Ettalong (yes, a fancy bottle shop is coming to Ettalong!)

5:30pm - All done. All refreshed. Feeling amazing. Feeling connected. Cup filled! 


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