HD Online Player (Gunaah 3 Movie Download Fixed Kickass 720p)
7 comments on the article Enjoy free HD Online Player, NFL, NFL, the most viewed movie torrent in the world with more than 1 downloads this yearQ: How to force SiteMapProvider "site" nodes to be top level? I am using SXA for the first time and I decided to modify the SiteMap provider to hide some nodes that may not be relevant to my customers. So I do not have the root node any more. This breaks my site. I know there is an option to make this node the top one. This is definitely a good solution, however I wonder if there is a way to force that behaviour. I am currently using SXA 2.6. I do not believe this affects the answer... A: I have been running into similar issues. Apparently it is not possible to do so using XPath like many seemed to hope. After a quick look through the SXA source it seems the only option currently is to hard code it. This can be easily done in the overrides of the GetHtml() method in the BaseSiteMapProvider where the "root node" is being determined. Given the method looks like this: internal override string GetHtml() var root = Nodes.Descendants(x => x.NodeType == NodeType.SiteMapNode) .Where(x => x.HasDescendants) .OrderBy(x => x.DescendantsAndSelf().Count()) .First().ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault(); if (root == null) root = Nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NodeType == NodeType.SiteMapNode); return this.HtmlHelper.SiteMapBuilder(root).Build(); you can simply replace it with this: internal override string GetHtml() { var root = Nodes.Descendants(x => x.NodeType == NodeType.SiteMapNode) .Where(x => x.HasDescendants) .OrderBy(x => x.DescendantsAndSelf().Count()) .ToList() .ToList()[0].ChildNodes.
HD Online Player (Gunaah 3 Movie Download Kickass 720p)